Applying for a research grant

How to apply

The Swedish Physicians Against AIDS Research Fund supports research on HIV infection and AIDS, especially aspects related to treatment, prevention and vaccines. Priority is given to projects with clinical relevance and to applicants who have recently started their research. Support is normally only given to research that has a clear link to a Swedish university or hospital.

Applications are made via the foundation's application and reporting system (see below) and should be written in English. The page opens in a new window. Applications can only be considered if the researcher and the applicant team has reported all previous grants.

Application deadlines: 1 March and 1 October.
Maximum grant: 400 000 SEK
The system opens 1 month before the deadline and closes at 24:00 on the day of application.

Assessment criteria

Definition: The extent to which the project, if successfully implemented, contributes in an innovative and significant way to the advancement of knowledge in the field of HIV/AIDS medical research.
Grading: 1-7
7 = Original and of very high importance
1 = Incorrect
Definition: The extent to which the hypothesis, experimental design (including selection of study groups and animal models, power calculations), timing, methods and processing are correctly applied, well integrated and adequate for the objectives of the project. The likelihood that the proposed project can be accomplished in the light of the experience and preliminary results of the research team and the resources requested and available.
Grading: 1-7
7 = Unique materials and techniques, innovative, well thought out application and excellent project management
1 = Project unlikely to be feasible
Clinical relevance
Definition: The likelihood that the project will improve prevention, care and treatment of the infection.
Grading: 1-7
7 = Impact on prevention/care/treatment programmes in the near future
1 = No clinical relevance

Ethical approval

Research involving humans or animals requires the approval of the Ethics Review Board or the Animal Experimentation Ethics Committee. If the applicant considers that ethical approval is not required, this must be carefully justified in the research programme. The approval must be saved in PDF format and uploaded to the application and reporting system together with the application. If the approval is not available at the time of application, it must be uploaded before the grant is requisitioned, and also attached to the requisition.


Research grants must be reported within 18 months of the grant award date. Applications for continuation or new research grants can only be considered if the researcher and the applicant team has reported on all previous grants.
The report must not exceed 1 A4 page (12 points) and must include the following points:
- Results achieved
- Significance of the results
- List of publications, manuscripts, abstracts, etc. to which the grant has contributed in whole or in part
- Brief financial report
The report should be saved in PDF format and uploaded in the application and reporting system.